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Participatory budget results
10,000 Voices in Action

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Ward 9 - Nith

Proposal title Votes Price Available budget
Accepted spending proposal: LGBT Youth Scotland - Pride & Pixels 51 £610 £16,737
Accepted spending proposal: Police Scotland Youth Volunteers 31 £1,300 £15,437
Accepted spending proposal: Youth Council Mental Health Project 29 £90 £15,347
Accepted spending proposal: Oasis Events Team - Music & Me 28 £1,550 £13,797
Accepted spending proposal: Dumfries Parkour Group 20 £2,512 £11,285
Accepted spending proposal: Georgetown Youth Group 18 £4,850 £6,435
Accepted spending proposal: Inspire to Achieve - D&G College Student Association 17 £2,100 £4,335
Accepted spending proposal: Bouncin' Bairns 11 £3,305 £1,030
Accepted spending proposal: DG Youth Council-Climate Change & Environment Group 9 £90 £940

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