Investment project code: 229
Job Title - IT Support and Recycling Specialist
Amount Requested = £14,702.32
As a result of the impact of COVID 19, schools have been closed and children have been accessing learning online. People can no longer access face to face services in the same way. It is now more important than ever that people have access to a device and access to the internet. This may not be possible for those experiencing poverty where the cost of a device can be prohibitive. Those in working poverty who don’t qualify for a device via eligibility for free school meals may be particularly disadvantaged. Families with more than one child who find it difficult to share a device are also adversely impacted.
We will set up a laptop/tablet/mobile phone recycling system whereby devices donated to The IT Centre by individuals and businesses would then be refurbished to make them useable for school children for their online learning and also those in need. We will work in partnership with a number of different organisations across Annandale & Eskdale to ensure the devices get to those who need them most. We would wipe old machines and install new operating systems and hardware where required. These devices will be given free to the recipients to keep with ongoing support where required.