Investment projects with scope: Ward 5 - Abbey

This heading has a budget of £5,220


Opportunities for Marginalised Young People in Stewartry

2020-10-05  •  admin  •  Ward 5 - Abbey

Our proposal is particularly aimed at marginalised groups such as young people with additional support needs and disabilities, LGBT young people and care experienced young people who experience poverty, discrimination and are the most excluded from opportunities. We want to work with existing youth group to provide additional help with offering free nutritious food, to create new experiences and offer opportunities to improve life skills, increase levels of engagement and ultimately lead to volunteering roles within peer groups. 


The Birchvale Players - Birchvale Theatre Youth Drama

2020-10-05  •  admin  •  Ward 5 - Abbey

We are a small charity theatre operating in Dalbeattie within the Abbey Ward. Our activities include the provision of youth drama section that works together to put on plays based on various issues including those worrying our young people in the ward. We also provide a programme of films. We plan to produce a minimum of 2 productions allowing our young people to express their feeling so on the priorities, both being before March 2021.


Youth Council Mental Health Project

2020-10-07  •  admin  •  Ward 5 - Abbey

Our project is all about making mental health resources available and accessible to young people to ensure that they have help and support when they need it the most. Our mental health packs aim to support young people’s mental wellbeing.


DG Youth Council Climate Change & Environment Group

2020-10-07  •  admin  •  Ward 5 - Abbey

We are the Environment & Climate Change Action Group for Dumfries & Galloway Youth Council and we’re applying for funding to cover the costs of training and team-building opportunities that’ll help us be effective in our role. Young people across D&G are worried about their future and the future of our area, country, and planet. The mental and physical well-being of young people and the issues facing our environment are linked and we are applying for funding for training that’ll help us support young people in our communities.
