Investment projects with scope: Ward 10 - Annandale South

This heading has a budget of £5,000


Annan Youth Group Safe Spaces

2021-05-31  •  admin  •  Ward 10 - Annandale South

Annan Youth Group Safe Spaces (A&E Youth Group) Our group would like to offer a safe space with- in our youth facility for young people to come along on a Friday night as part of the youth group, where they can improve their Mental Health and well -being by providing an opportunity to join a supportive peer group where young people can meet others who have mental health issues, who can help by sharing their experiences. chat to staff trained in Mental Health issues, offer a peer to peer support approach about mental health experiences, or just somewhere to come if they are having a bad day. 


Annan Dodgeball Club

2021-06-07  •  admin  •  Ward 10 - Annandale South

Dumfries & Galloway Youth Council  We are applying for funding to start a dodgeball club in Annan. The club is about fitness, competition and teamwork and is something different for young people to do in the town. We are applying for funding for a coach, equipment and a trip for the club.   


Black & Gold Foundation – Free football for 12 to 17s

2021-05-31  •  admin  •  Ward 10 - Annandale South

A block of free football training for 12–17 year olds would enable existing and new players to reap all of the physical, emotional and social benefits of exercise whilst having fun, learning a skill and being part of a team without any financial worry for their parents/carers.
